Just Two Choices Left (for now)

Just Two Choices Left (for now)

This is the first post here on my consulting blog in some time. I’ve been dedicating all my research and writing time these past three years to my Leaps Project. The idea animating the three-volume work is to inspire the coming generation of business, product and...

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Better businessing: owning it all

In two of my integrated marketing courses this past semester I briefed the students to analyze, research and critique a marketing trade press article by Mastercard’s CMO Rajamanarr. In the article, the presumably richly compensated marketer complains about the...

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The Business Case for Deep Insights

The Business Case for Deep Insights

Insights are scary During a recent tour as strategy chief at a holding company agency here in New York, I was presenting a proposed strategy group work model to the senior team.  About five minutes into my presentation the head of office asked me, “What do you see as...

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Your Money or Your Health

Your Money or Your Health

If you've seen the steady daily hand of New York's Governor Andrew Cuomo on Youtube this spring, you know that the corona virus pandemic has forced a once existential choice into consideration - what matters more, our health or our economy? Intellectually and...

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Watching the Watchers

Watching the Watchers

We're big fans of the @AdContrarian aka Bob Hoffman. His rudely provocative insights about the naked emperor of marketing industry flim-flammery are legendary. They usually come with a startling implication, and a directional insight for changing how we think and what...

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